I am buying a house or section

If you are purchasing a house or section then we strongly recommend you let us review the agreement prior to signing or include a solicitors approval clause of 3 or more days. Click here to start the process.

I am buying into a retirement village

We would love to help you with the documentation required to enter into the retirement village. There are different processes for different complexes, the most common is a license to occupy - the process can be daunting but we are here to help. Click here.

I am helping someone else buy

It is not uncommon for purchasers to need help getting into a property - so contact us to discuss the situation and we will provide you with guidance to protect you and your assets.

I am a first home buyer

If you are a first home buyer - congratulations! The process can be daunting but it is our job to help you through the process and navigate the journey. If you need assistance with KiwiSaver and Homestart or just wish to discuss the process just click here.